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Very Special Arts Day: a musical partnership between the UW Marching Band and Arts for All Wisconsin

Starting in 1988, Professor Mike Leckrone and the University of Wisconsin Band partnered with VSA Wisconsin for Very Special Arts Day. Bringing together musicians from across the state to join the Badger Band on the field at Camp Randall as part of a Game Day performance, Very Special Arts Day was inspired by Steve Singel, whose parents brought him to the field (circa 1980) to watch the Band practice. A music lover, he'd march alongside the tubas and befriended members of the Band. Eventually they created the Steve Singel Award, for someone who exemplified his spirit. In 1985, Very Special Arts Wisconsin was founded and shortly after they asked Leckrone to join their Board.

"In 1988, we started the VSA/UW Marching Program. It paired high school students with disabilities with members of their respective high school bands. The band members tutored VSA students on music and marching, and on one Saturday each football season, we invited all the participating students - two hundred from around Wisconsin - to come to Camp Randall and play the UW Marching Band as the Very Special Arts Marching Band." -- Mike Leckrone, "Moments of Happiness: A Wisconsin Band Story"

Arts for All Wisconsin, formerly known as Very Special Arts or VSA Wisconsin, is a statewide arts organization that serves children and adults with disabilities. Since 1985, they have been guided by an understanding that the arts build bridges between people, support physical and mental wellness, and celebrate diversity in our community.

This fall UW Marching Band Director Corey Pompey, staff from the Wisconsin Union, and staff from Arts for All Wisconsin have rekindled this partnership. Ten dancers (ages 10-19) from Arts for All Wisconsin will perform a routine to Michael Jackson's "I Want You Back" with the UW Marching Band as part of the 10 am stage show at Badger Bash on Saturday, October 5, 2024.

How did it all come together? Paul Broadhead, Assistant Director of Facilities Management at Union South and a longtime supporter of the Badger Band, recruited Sarah Marty (Production Manager and Stage Director of the UW Varsity Band Spring Concert, 2003-2023; Production Assistant, 2001-2003) to join the Badger Bash production team for the Fall 2024 season. With Broadhead's support, Marty reached out to UW Marching Band Director Corey Pompey and then to Christina Martin Wright, Executive Director of Arts for All Wisconsin, to talk about the possibility of working together. Both were enthusiastic and the planning began. Pompey shared a MIDI file of the concert number and worked with Marty to incorporate a guest artist performance into the stage show for October 5. Sarah Jacobson, AFA Director of Dance Education, and the AFA Confidancers (ages 10-19) began rehearsals. And, the incredible team at Union South - from operations and facilities team leaders (Tim Schultz, Steve Zwicki) to the Audio and Visual technicians (Sam Pampuch, Conor Peterson, Brad Beno) - began meeting to discuss how we can all work together to facilitate the performance and best share it with audiences at the event.

The coordination for the October 5 guest artist appearance has been a bit of a reunion as well. Marty, Director of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration, has been working with two former students -- Olivia Bratzke, Co-Producer of Badger Bash, and Ellie McShane, AFA Fundraising Director -- and current student Angie Hernandez on the behind-the-scenes. Bratzke, McShane, and Hernandez are working together to support the experience of the performers, helpers, and family members - from transportation and parking and moving through the building to making sure everyone has hearing protection at the event. Joining this exceptional team are four Assistant Stage Managers (3 of which are current UW-Madison students) who will guide and support the AFA troupe from the moment their bus arrives to a few hours later when it pulls away from Union South.

Footage of Very Special Arts Day performances can be found on Facebook and Youtube. One particularly memorable halftime performance was "You Are My Sunshine" on November 16, 2013. VSA Band Members and Singers and the members of the UW Marching Band braved rainy weather while sharing a jazzy rendition of a familiar favorite that holds special meaning for so many individuals.

On November 3, 2018, Director Mike Leckrone and VSA Drum Major Steve Singel led what would be the last Very Special Arts Day for them both - Leckrone retired in 2019 and Singel passed away at age 70 in March 2023.


Longtime Band Photographer Gary Smith captured the last Very Special Arts Day performance and shared it on Youtube. VSA Band Members and their Band Buddies, partner musicians from their high schools, rehearsed for weeks ahead of time and then all came together for a performance during the Pregame on November 13, 2018.

In closing, here is a video message from Mike, a member of the Stoughton VSA Choir, who participated in the 2018 VSA/UW Marching Band Very Special Arts Day. Mike shares a message about the friendships he made in Choir and how much he enjoys being able to be part of the event and to make music together.

Consider supporting Arts for All Wisconsin and their arts programs and please join us on Saturday 10/5 at 10 am for the Badger Bash performance with the UW Marching Band at Union South!


"Moments of Happiness: A Wisconsin Band Story," by Mike Leckrone with Doug Moe, University of Wisconsin Press, pages 90-92.

Badger Band: The University of Wisconsin Marching Band Facebook Page

Arts for All Wisconsin Facebook Photo Album

"Students with disabilities, UW Band team up," Wausau Daily Herald, published November 22, 2016

"A message about friendship from Mike, a member of the Stoughton VSA Choir," Arts for All Wisconsin, published on YouTube on November 20, 2018


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